sexta-feira, 17 de julho de 2009

Day 6 (o primeiro post em ingles a ver se pega)

So... Hi there! Day 6 was just another day of “dealing with boring stuff”. Mostly related with us changing into a new place, a new house and above all a new home! But we still had time to have fun at the end of this day.

Starting from the beginning as usual.. We woke up early, like 7 am, as today was the day that someone was coming over to clean our floor, as it was and it still is really dirty (maybe due to the fact that previous tenants were real pigs!), as it is a giant carpet. We were confident that this guy would also solve the greatest problem of all time, exterminate all cockroaches, but as you´ll see further away he wasn´t the man for the job!

Being 7 am, as you can imagine, our imagination is just not working so we decided to “facebook” as much as we could, added to the fact that everything is still closed, so our opportunity cost (lol!) was not that high! So we kept playing and quizzing till noon!

Afterwards and to relax a bit of such pressure of beating all possible game records, we went to Rockdale Plaza, 2 minute walk from our “cockroach” place, for lunch. Among all the possible choices we found that “Chao mein” was the most attractive one. So we ate “um pratalhão” for AUD $5 each, cheap no?! Who would imagine…

“With gas in our tank” we decided to start the moving process to our new place, 48 Lander St in Darlington. After packing some stuff we caught the train naturally in Rockdale and went till Redfern. After a ten minute walk we found once more our new home and as we were unpacking we met one of our flatmates, from Tanzania!! Not Tasmania as I tought.. but Tanzania! Africa man!

After meeting the new “neighboor” we had to keep moving on as today we had scheduled our first contact with a real citizen of Portugal, keeping apart our Brazilian buddy’s! His name is Pedro Serrão, natural from somewhere but living in Sintra, who has been here in Australia for like 4 months. Good to finally listen to some good Portuguese, we were missing that!

Extra: He has already surfed Shark Island and while surfing he saw a shark! ARGH!

We´ve agreed with Serrao to go to the movies and watch Bruno. We kept our agreement and at 9h30 pm there we were in a Sydney cinema! By the way those movies are in George St, like half way.

By the way our buddys, Dani and Bia, had gone to a Salsa party (that we had to pass), typical Latin American type of thing!

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